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How to manage Calendar Events

Applies to: Calendar


This is a quick step-by-step guide to editing, adding and removing Calendar Events records via AIO Calendar.


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Adding new Event

Step 1

Login to your account

Firstly, you'll need to login into your AIO account at

Step 2

Choose Calendar from the menu

On the main menu select Calendar.

Step 3

Choose Event day/time

Click on the date or time slot you desire for your event to take place.

Step 4

Adding Event

Fill in the Event Details;

Select a name for the event,
The period of the event (all day or by time),
Does it repeat (daily,weekly,yearly),
Then add a description of the event,

Then click [Save].

Editing an Event

Step 1

Login to your account

Firstly, you'll need to login into your AIO account at

Step 2

Choose Calendar from the menu

On the main menu select Calendar.

Step 3

Choose an Event

Click on the event you desire to alter.

Step 4

Editing Event

Then change the Event Details of the event you would like to change, then click [Save].

Remove an Event

Step 1

Login to your account

Firstly, you'll need to login into your AIO account at

Step 2

Choose Calendar from the menu

On the main menu select Calendar.

Step 3

Choose an Event

Click on the event you desire to alter.

Step 4

Removing Event

Click on the event you wish to remove. then click [Remove].

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